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- 1529
- 1203
- 701
- 1358
- 257
- 908
- 280
- 639
- 549
- 1973
- 1140
- 678
- 833
- 1630
- 1933
- 632
- 240
- 1309
- 1993
- 72
- 22
- 1666
- 711
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- 6
- 38
- 181
- 1175
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- 1767
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- 1865
- 1757
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- 926
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- 771
- 49
- 1542
- 667
- 1231
- 99
- 1990
- 1424
- 1833
- 1435
- 334
- 1863
- 493
- 1606
- 1352
- 219
- 727
- 1106
- 795
- 400
- 1156
- 160
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- 671
- 1864
- 1168
- 482
- 64
- 1921
- 129
- 315
- 968
- 741
- 1743
- 325
- 1958
- 496
- 1515
- 1944
- 1745
- 161
- 1394
- 1148
- 828
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- 1904
- 273
- 545
- 825
- 1171
- 1138
- 652
- 260
- 527